Daily Dose of Encouragment

I’ve been kissed by the Valentine’s day bug♡

Hey blog family!

It’s been a long time since sharing on the Healing House and although I’d like to say I was vacationing somewhere exotic 🍹 I was actually just trying to settle in to the new homeowner life. Thankfully its going on two years living in our little 1943 cape cod home, and it’s been so rewarding to see the fruit of our labor as we slowly make upgrades.

Well enough about my MIA status, what I’m really wondering about is how everyone is spending their Valentine’s day this year?

Does anyone else ever feel like as soon as this holiday day hits, the $$$ is in short supply. Well, this is the second year my husband and I will be celebrating on a budget and frankly I was a little bit bummed.

That being said I have come up with a  couple of inexpensive ideas for Love day this year. And since my blog is about celebrating “The Home” I thought it would only be fitting to share some inspirational themes that will make Valentine’s day feel special at home and on a budget.

♡Here are some heart sprinkled ideas♡

♡Galentine’s Day Red and Pink Breakfast Night ♡

Text all your gals and make this Valentine’s day and evening your friends will remember for years.

Role out the red table cloth, light the pink candles, break out the waffle iron, turn on some tunes and tell everyone to come prepared to help make breakfast for dinner.

Here are some suggestions on a red and pink menu:

♡Pink Waffles (use a couple drops of red food coloring in the batter)
♡Bacon, sausage…I’m making myself hungry
♡ Pink Moscato with frozen strawberries or raspberries
♡ Mini muffin quiche with roasted red peppers
♡Sweet red peppers and diced potato skillet
♡ Fresh fruit and pink whipped cream(red food coloring is your best friend)

Buy some fresh flowers and disperse them in pink vases all around the house. And at the end of the night give each one of your lucky friends a rose to take home..who needs The Bachlor anyway 😋

♡Love Birds Fondue and Movie Night♡

Tell your love bird to change into pjs and cuddle up by the fondue.

Turn your coffee table into a fondue bar and dunk anything from olives to heart shaped mango bites.

Be resourceful use what you already have in your kitchen.

Last summer’s shishkabob sticks can be used as fondue kabobs with your favorite fruit. You can also use the heart shape cookie cutter from your Christmas set to cut your fruits and veggies. Compliment them with a sweet or salty sauce and sprinkle with some creative toppings. The best part about fondue is that you can’t really go wrong with what you choose, just as long as the sauce doesn’t burn.

And just in case your secretly fearful about burning sauces like me, below is a fool proof recipe that will make any couple fall head over heals again.

Easy Fondue recipe: http://amp.timeinc.net/cookinglight/recipes/foolproof-cheese-fondue

♡Familytine’s Pizza fortress♡

Sorry to scare you with the title, no I am not talking about making a fort out of pizza, as yummy as that sounds😍

Turn your dining room into a whimsical fortress for family dinner this February the 14th. It’s as easy as moving some furniture around.

Turn your dining table on its side, line the chairs outwards along the edges of the room and hang some sheets from the table to the chairs. Hold the sheets down by stacking a couple of books on the edges of the sheets and cover the floor in comfy sleeping bags, throws and fun pillows.

Channel your inner child if you have to, and if you have kids then you may just want to hire them to build this Valentine’s day fortress.

Enjoy some pizza around your comfy battery candle lit fort and shine a light on one side of the fortress sheet to make funny hand shadow puppets after dinner.

♡Be as creative as your red and pink heart desires with these ideas♡

Message me below to share with your lovable themes. I’ll be adding some photos of our Valentine’s day evening to come.

♡Hearts and kisses♡

Here is a picture of our Valentine’s day last year. Root beer and salad was the theme lol.
Update 2/14/19 I wanted to share what we did for Valentine’s day. Ordered in Italian food, built a fort and ate pink cake. This totally made us feel like we were 10 years old again.
In The Kitchen

Puppies, Bananas & Peanut butter

Puppies, bananas & Peanut butter

Happy Thursday all!

What a whirlwind it has been these past few weeks. Being a new home owner has gotten the best of my schedule these days. Between unpacking boxes, organizing rooms, and repairing all of the broken things that come with a home that was built in 1942, my moments of slow and relaxing have felt few.

Oddly enough, when I do seem to find a quiet moment on the couch to unwind, my dog Gromit happily gravitates towards me for some “puppy cuddle time” (This mostly consists of belly rubs and scratching his head).

Actually, My sweet pup has shined through the moving process and has proved himself to be a worthy protector of our home as well as a loyal cuddler when needed. So this weekend I decided to make some simple and healthy dog treats that were too cute not to share!
Normally we would just buy some inexpensive (and probably unhealthy) treats to reward him but this weekend I had some time on my hands.

After some investigating I decided to choose a recipe that was similar to one i found on the Whole Foods website. Gromit absolutely loved these treats but you can feel free to modify according to what your dog likes. These are a great healthier alternative to the store bought treats and trust me, your doggy will be ready to lick the spoon with these biscuits.

Peanut butter & banana biscuits

Bake time: 40-45mins Preheat oven: 300


1 Banana, Peeled and mashed
1 Cup wheat flour
2/3 Cup rolled oats
½ Cup dried parsley (helps with doggy breath)
3 Tablespoons peanut butter
2 eggs beaten

1.  In medium mixing bowl thoroughly mash banana with a fork or spoon. Add flour, oats, parsley, peanut butter and eggs. Mix ingredients together(you may need to use your hands for this).

2.  Once dough is throughly mixed, roll 1/2″ balls of dough and push them down on on cookie sheet to look like a cookie. You can also experiment with the shapes. I rolled a few into little doggy bones which ended up looking kinda funny, but nevertheless just as yummy to my pup.

Bake and let cool.
Enjoy! or should I say “Ruff ruff”

Home Design Corner

Cabin Fever!

《Cabin Fever》

Well it’s February, and at this point in winter most people are suffering from what is commonly known as “Cabin Fever”. The majority of our days are spent inside because its too cold and gloomy to play outdoors.

Well good news! There is way to bring some cheer back into life without having to choke down those vitamin D pills twice a day.

Thats through color! Now, I’m not a doctor but i have witnessed the positive effects  color has had on my mood.  By adding pops of color or painting our room a soothing hue, I’ve felt more peace and joy. These bright but suttle differences have been visually pleasing to the eyes and a nice change in my day after a boring gray commute from work. Infact, some studies show that by adding certain colors, they can lift your spirits and encourage healing.

This week, please enjoy this really cool article that talks about healing colors.


I have included my own pictures that will hopefully help you to find some joy in the day by appreciating the power of color.

Much love and blessings

Stay colorful!


In The Kitchen

Campfire Beef & Veggies- Without Leaving Home

Campfire Beef & Veggies- Without Leaving Home

Good evening campers! My husband and I have officially moved into our new home and can’t be more excited!

Our first night was spent sleeping on a blow up mattress which felt alot like camping, infact it inspired our first home cooked meal! I experimented with the oven and went for the traditional but easy foil packet campfire dinner.

It was super easy to make and can be easily turned into a date night for two. Just throw a flannel blanket on the living room floor, add a candle and plasticware to “rough it” just a little bit.  Or make it a fun Friday night dinner with the family- marshmallows and chocolate fondue included of course hehe.

Hope you like, and enjoy!



4 lean beef hamburger patties
Gemstone potatoes medley bag(found at Aldi )
1 large slivered green pepper
1 cup grape tomatoes
1 cup slices mushrooms
1/2 white onion slivered
Paprika 1/2 teaspoon
Olive oil
Garlic powder
Chile powder
Black Pepper (all of these can be to taste)
Worcestershire sauce (and couple shakes per patty)
(Beef soup mix optional)
4 sheets of 11″×11″ foil


1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees, the campfire pack will need to cook for 35-40mins or until meat is tender.

2. Lay the foil sheets on a working surface. Sprinkle just enough olive oil in the center of foils to keep the hamburger from sticking. Place hamburger patty in the middle and season with; Garlic, Salt, Paprika, Chile powder, black pepper and Worcestershire sauce(make sure both sides get seasoned) You can also use some beef soup mix to add more flavor.

3. Spread your veggies around the meat patty. Then sprinkle salt, black pepper and some Paprika over them. Drizzle with a little bit of olive oil if desired.

4. Pull the longest sides of foil up and fold a flap twice from the top down, to form a pouch. Then fold the ends the same to secure the deliciousness inside.

5. Place the packets on a baking sheet to prevent spillage and cook until tender.

Bon a petite!

Home Design Corner

Tweak that Home!

home-peace-of-mindIf you are anything like me, cleaning day at home tends to shed light on things that could use some extra TLC. With some quick adjusting here and there you can turn your home into a place that will bless your life.  Just remember this nifty little TWEAK acronym that can help, while you are doing your chores.

Thankful- Remember to be thankful for what you have.

A gracious home is a happy, healthy home. While tending to the daily tasks in your home, remember to chalk some thankfulness up to the Big Man (God). After all, He is the one who blessed you with everything that makes your home sweet. And believe me, if you have toilet paper in your bathroom and food in your fridge, you certainly have plenty to be thankful for.

Worship Create a place to worship.

 Everyone looks for an atmosphere that expresses their beliefs.  Make your home a place the reflects your faith by getting rid of the negative vibes. When you are cleaning and run into something from your past that brings up negative memories. Get rid of it. Or if there is something that is not literally taking up space, but your inwardly struggling with, seek help for it. Whether you believe it or not inward junk can also effect the worship between you, God and your loved ones. Your home should allow Gods Spirit to flow in and out. Don’t let baggage get in the way of having a home that can provide rejuvenation at the end of the day.

* If you are struggling with spiritual junk in your life, check out this podcast about “Control” that personally hit home for me.  ( http://westridgechurch.com/podcasts/)

Excessive- Eliminate anything excessive.                    

These past few days me and my husband have been preparing to move into our new home. As you can imagine a person finds a lot of things they really don’t need while packing.  Actually, to be quite honest it was mostly a culmination of knickknacks that we thought we were going to use but never did. These things were excessive and taking over our little living space.  So my point is, if you are trying to figure out where to store another box of magazines or where to place another candle, think twice. Check your excessive O’meter and toss those things you really don’t need.

Arrange– Do some design arranging.  

Make your home visually stimulating to the eye. To make it simple I made a list of design do’s and don’ts.


  • Don’t fill your home with white or blue florescent lighting. It gives everything a unnatural tint and creates a cold atmosphere that is less inviting to guests.

Do stick with compact florescent bulbs that give off warmer tones. Ask someone at your local hardware store help you find the right bulb for your room.

  • Don’t paint your ceiling a darker shade then your walls. It makes the room feel small.

Do stick to colors that are lighter than your walls or even better, white! It always gives the room a clean finish.

  • Don’t purchase curtains that are too small for the window. It creates a space that feels incomplete and not to mention a little awkward.

Instead, install your curtain rod just above the frame and drape curtains that touch the floor. This makes a dramatic statement in any room and creates an illusion of taller windows.

Kind- Be Kind to your home.

Remove your shoes! And for Pete’s Sake stop using those harsh chemicals on your home. First of all, by  removing your shoes, the chances of dirt and harmful chemicals from things like fertilizer can be dramatically reduced. Also, beware of harsh chemical cleaners like bleach, they are unnatural for your body and home. Be kind and try making your own household cleaners with natural ingredients like baking soda and vinegar. Not only will they be better for your home but also cheaper.

* Check out this website that provides simple recipes for household natural cleaners. I found my cleaning bottles on clearance at Marshalls for just $2. http://eartheasy.com/live_nontoxic_solutions.htm

Thanks for Tweaking with me, Hope some of these tips brought some inspiration to your life this week.

Daily Dose of Encouragment

And the conquest begins

Have you ever had a vision or desire for your life that was so tangible and specific that it never completely fizzeled away like dreams do? I wonder how many people live everyday actually oppressing these feelings somewhere deep into the pit of their stomach?

Well this being my first post I can honestly say that I was one of those people. Infact,this is my first step to revealing a vision that has been in the making for a few years, my vision to starting a healing house.  In my vision the healing house would be a physical place of healing, peace and restoration for all weary people. As of right now I can’t purchase a home big enough to shelter a group of people however, through this blog and my own life’s challenges, I hope to virtually encourage and inspire others to go after their own vision.

Starting this year I plan on providing helpful design tips, healthy recipes and scripture that will bless your home with rejuvenation, worship and peace. Welcome to my healing house blog and dont miss my next post as me, my husband and our rambunctious puppy prepare to move into our first home.

Daily Dose of Encouragment

My first blogging experience

As a newly married woman my perspective on life and love have been noticeably changing. Through many learning experiences with my fast talking, charismatic, free spirited husband to our basement dwelling life for, what seems like a century, I have finally realized something.

Life is not about the waiting; it’s about the living in the now. Loving, laughing, giving, teaching, and spiritual growth. It’s about extending love to others when ever you see the opportunity and experiencing life no matter how difficult or outrageous your dreams maybe. This is my challenge to you; make the move to learn more about what you were created to do. I am going to respond to an itch that I have felt for a while, to offer new ways to live life and love others.